Development of a nutritional rusk for the silver population with DNA traceable EVOO from field to store

BioCoS has been awarded with a Demonstration Voucher from INCluSilver led by Mills of Crete (coordinator), with Liquid Vision Innovation and Falelakis Samaria Bakery as project partners to develop the 1st multi-grain rusk containing DNA verified (traceable) adulteration-free monovarietal Extra Virgin Olive Oil as main ingredient. State-of-the-art technologies can support traditional recipes to deliver high-end food products for the demanding consumer class of silver population.
BioCoS using its proprietary olve genetic markes assured that the monovarietal extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) from variety Tsunati was utilized as ingredient in the rusk along the supply chain. The above permitted to deliver a genetically (DNA) traceable rusk (ZOE’) from field to store.