CloSeViVA (Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 – EPAnEK)

BioCoS is Partner in a successful “Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK)” at the sector of agrifood and food industry.
“A Collaborative Network for the Exploitation and Clonal Selection of Greek Vine Varieties and Valorization of the Genetic Material” (Closeviva)
The main aim of the project is to create the appropriate structures for the improvement, promotion and clonal selection of Greek vitis varieties by applying, amongst others state-of-the-art genomic methodologies to offer a differentiated, high quality and security of propagating material of the vine.
BioCoS role is focused on the identification and validation of novel genetic markers for the development of a DNA based system in order to genetically verify the most commercially important Greek varieties.