
We are pleased to announce that the H2020-SU-SEC-2019 (Type of Action: IA; Activity: DRS05) “Demonstration of novel concepts for the management of pandemic crises”. The project is funded by the European Commission with a budget of EUR 9.5 million (grant agreement ID: 883441). The aim of STAMINA is to develop an intelligent system to support first responders, practitioners, hospitals and pandemic crisis managers with decision making in the prediction and management of pandemics.
BioCoS is represented in the project along with 37 other organizations: companies, first responders, government agencies, research organizations, universities, and other entities from 17 European or associated countries.
BioCoS will provide bioinformatics tools and support for the design of novel primers/probes for pathogens (viruses/bacteria) e.g., SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, ESBL E. Coli, to be evaluated and subsequently applied in point-of-care solutions for the early detection of outbreaks.
We are looking forward to expanding our technology in the health sector and start working on this innovative and very promising project.
To learn more about STAMINA Project visit the website [1]